Messy Quilts by Lacie Messerly
QuiltCon 2025 Tshirt Quilt
Hello and welcome to the official "Quiltcon Tshirt Quilt" Group. We will be making Improv Log Cabin blocks in three different sizes made only from T-shirt Quilt Scraps.
We will be entering into the "Group or Bee" category (Quilts in this category must be made by three or more people.). The quilt will be in the juried and judged portion of the show.
All information is listed below.
We would like you to mail your blocks before August 15 to:
Lacie Messerly
2525 Prairie View Drive
Eagle Mountain, Utah 84005
The quilt will be assembled, quilted and entered. Quilt entries open September 1 and close October 31, so the sooner we get your blocks, the better.
Now, for the fun part...
Inspiration & Execution
We will be making improv log cabin blocks (or quarter log cabin) to fit 3 different block sizes listed below.
The only thing we ask is you ONLY use t-shirt scraps. You can use any color shirt, and have fun with it...
Oh, and please, please stabilize your blocks.
The improv (wonky) sizes needed are:
12.5" wide x 18.5" long
12.5" wide x 12.5" long
12.5" wide x 6.75" long
When filing out your form, you can choose the size you want to make. And remember: The MORE wonky, the better!
If you have any further questions, email me at